There will be a time where it will be difficult to accept some social changes. The difficulty to accept social change can be based on …show more content…
moral, religious and ethical values. For an example, a recent social change that I find hard to accept would be women who enlist in the military, particularly a job that would be consider combat related. The reason why I feel that women should not join combat related jobs in the military is due to the fact woman’s body chemistry is significantly different than that of their male counterpart. A man’s body is constructed in a way that they can handle various labor tasks. To accomplish such tasks a man’s body will have high muscle and bone density and the ability to handle stress more adequately than women. “Women's hearts are two-thirds smaller than men's and must beat faster, even during sleep, to keep up with the pace of men” (Tips, 2012). While women may argue that they can accomplish the same task is men, which may be true, however their body will forgo a great amount of physical and mental stress in order to accomplish such task.
A great example as to why females should not serve in the military would be the reason study that the United States Army conducted for females attempting to become Army Rangers. In early Spring of 2015, the United States Army decided to allow females to join combat related specialty. Shortly after the US Army decided to allow females to participate in the US Army Rangers School. Once the first class of 19 female soldiers commenced, nine days after training started all 19 females washed out of the course. Some of the physical activity that they had to endure during the nine days included doing college push-ups, set up and even running for hours. “Students also had to undergo a physical fitness test that included a swim test, a land navigation test, a 12-mile foot march in three hours, and several obstacle courses” (Scott, 2015). After conducting my analysis as to the physical and mental limitations that a female endures in comparison to males, I feel it is the best interest to the females that they should not join such a high demanding and stressful job.
If I were to come across someone who has already embraced that lifestyle, it would not bother me because that is a job that is pleasurable to her.
It would not be appropriate for me to intervene in which she has already deemed a career. If I was to get into a debate with another individual about whether or not females should be in the military, I would clearly state my opinion and support my response to factual evidence that I had to uncover throughout my analysis. As a person who has been in the military I must say I have already experience such gender-based roles within the military. Even though it did not bother me that they were in the same platoon as I was however when given leadership task or a position of authority I was quickly to obtain such position. At that point in time, I felt that I had the greater skill, experience and motivation to accomplish any mission that was assigned to us. Even though, that female most likely had the same qualifications as I did, I felt that it was a man’s job to take charge and lead a platoon size
In today’s society, gender inequality has steadily been decreasing due to technological advancements that has improved our way of communicating among one another. The improved communication has allowed others to realize that gender inequality has no role for society. Although this may be true, it is still imperative to identify the strengths and weaknesses that are present based on gender. This will allow people to understand what their capabilities and limitations in order to accomplish any goals that they want. In the end, it is ultimately the female decision to join the military, given that she has the motivation, dedication and the selfless service to join the military not because she is a female but because she wants to serve the country.