What is the article about? Bringing awareness and educating doctors on how military veterans are apt to be exposed to (PTSD) posttraumatic stress disorder because of the turmoil and stress they encounter while being deployed. Also educating them on how to recognize if a military veteran is suffering from the disorder.
Information about sample and population The population utilized in the experiment were military personnel who were deployed and experience (PTSD) posttraumatic stress disorder as a result of fighting in the war and those who suffer from (PTSD) posttraumatic stress disorder and have not experienced war.
Article summary Educating doctors on understanding how PTSD effects the mental states of a military personnel or veteran as well how recognizing the symptom and the ability to medically treat them for the illness.
Why was the research performed? There are some military veterans and military personnel who are suffering from PTSD and are going undiagnosed who are needing help. A lot of them are suffering severely with this disorder that they are not able to function …show more content…
Because of the relief drugs provide this explain why so many military personnel/veteran become addicted to drugs. Nicotine has also shown to be another drug which assist with PTSD by adjusting the brain chemistry causing the brain to expel dopamine which minimize the effects of anxiety and PTSD symptoms. Although the use of drug and nicotine can be useful in helping minimizing the effects of PTSD, however excessive use can cause health problems to