The advocate will meet with, listen to and then evaluate the situations pertinent to the client and help the client prioritize the issues, set goals and obtain services that are needed while providing support for the client so they can reach the goals that have been set. The advocates primary interest is to insure good service for the client. This is done by making sure the needs of the client are met. In the event, for example, of a …show more content…
Detailed explanations of what to expect from both services are also provided as well as interviews from professionals across the country. Available also on this website are professionals skilled in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a disorder very common to veterans. Therefore making available the option of obtaining private assistance or added support to the services already provided by the Veteran’s Administration.
The US Department of Health and Human Services ( offers training for advocates and mediators as well as detailing what mediation services consist of and how advocates fit into the picture. They also provide some really helpful information and direction for people who are seeking services or training. While the information was useful, there really was not anything available here to assist the veteran’s in their