a range of family divisions are exposed. Children nowadays are sometimes raised in single-parent homes, by their grandparents, or even by homosexual parents.
Some families, on the other hand, opt in not having children at all, or simply cannot due to an emotional or medical obstacle that may have occurred in their lives. The concept that parents and children create a family is a simple definition that is commonly known and used; however, in order to openly recognize other family structures, people need to realize that a broader definition is required. A family may be described as a group of individuals who do not necessarily need to be related by marriage or by blood but, do indeed, genuinely care and have love for one another. A family is one that is there for each other whenever they are needed, and along every step of the way provide support and fondness. In addition to a more general family definition, there are quite a bunch of individuals who consider their group of friends as a family, there are others who consider their pets as family members as well. The most vital connecting aspect for families is commitment, love, and respect. There are some people that fall under this traditional description and some who do …show more content…
There are some families, which solely consist of one individual, who are exceedingly varied in their lifestyle, some families who are warm, closely-knit, and loyal towards each other, and others who are extremely dysfunctional and only the only thing that bids them together is the sharing of their same surname.
Some children, are dejectedly viewed as more of a burden rather than as a “gift,” even though they did not ask to be brought into Earth. There are heaps of neglected, abused, and even undesired children in the world, in this type of situation, I do not believe that there is any “obligation” that such individuals owe towards their biological parents or guardians. Those children who are born into an unfortunate family and thus keep the innocent child and do not care for him/her, owe absolutely nothing to those “so-called” parents. Instead, I believe if those children do not wish to aid or support their parents in the future when they need it, there is no reason why they should, but in my opinion have the right to move on with their life and distance themselves in the hopes of seeking their own bliss. But if those neglected children wish to help those uncaring parents, that is from the kindness of their heart and again have no obligation to do so. By the same token, children who are of course privileged enough to be born into families which offer constant nurturing, affection, and trust should in fact reciprocate these actions to their parents or guardian. If in the
future their parents need assistance in any way, these loved children should offer to aid or comfort them. Again not an obligation but, this to me is merely considered to be a “payback” for all the work that their parents or guardians provided for them as a child, when they could have simply abandoned them like other parents to. When parents freely keep and care for their children, those children in the future should be grateful for the life they had because not all kids were as lucky as they were. The quote below strengthens my conclusion because Anne Lamott teaches her son that there are no obligations towards owing anything to parents or family members, especially on specific holidays like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc.…, but if while growing up parents were decent to their children they should in turns be decent to them as well.