Defining family is somewhat challenging as each of us has a unique worldview of what family means to us. Are they the people who offer us …show more content…
The intergenerational impact on the structure of the “family community” has seen a disruption in the autonomous existence of Aboriginal societies towards a more forced domestication of family life. Many Aboriginal families live in highly disadvantaged areas and those in remote communities are associated to the state via interactions with various organisations and provision of welfare. The collective harm of past traumas being passed on to children, has seen an over representation of Aboriginal families in contact with child protection and juvenile justice systems (Cuneen & Libesman, 2000). Some practices, mirroring actions of the past can see children removed from their “family community” and placed in detention centres or with alternative care givers. Are the strong family values of indigenous families understood by government authorities? What may be the “best practice” when working with Aboriginal …show more content…
Additionally, a large extended family were ever present to guide and protect, all of which contributed to the development of a healthy social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. (2013) asserts that a Social Workers’ personal experiences may influence their beliefs, social stereotypes and assumptions about family. As a daughter, sister, mother and now Social Work student, it is impossible to imagine how experiences of growing up would have been different being physically, emotionally and spiritually disconnected from the very people who offered care and