
Definition Essay Great

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Joshua Middleton
What is “Great?”
Words, unbeknownst to most people, usually have more than one meaning. Us as a people need to strive to look deeper into the words we use. I have one word in particular that I would like to share. Great, a word commonly used throughout America. No one would ever think that a word as simple as this could have multiple different meanings depending on the setting it is being used in and who it is being said by. No one would guess that the way your mom uses great might differ from the way a teen might use the word great. The way a doctor uses great could completely different from the way a football coach uses the word great. These are some of the numerous examples that can and will be explained within this essay.
Before explaining the many different uses of the word “great,” a base definition or use needs to be set. The Oxford English Dictionary definition of great is to be composed of large particles. For most people the
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One way to explain this definition is coach fortune’s belief in sportsmanship and having a friendly manor. Fortune preached that to be great was not just done on the football field, but in each aspect of life. Whether it was on the field, basketball court, the classroom, a friendship, relationship, and everything in between. To be great in these things meant to show high character and quality in each aspect. For example; on the football field he would tell us to quote on quote “knock the other guys on their asses and then help them and do it again the next play.” He preached to say please and thank you to all the team moms that cooked us pregame meals, to all our teachers for taking time to help us. But most of all, Coach Fortune showed us this particular definition of great by trying to be the best he could be for everyone he came into contact

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