No doubt, others have wrestled with the definition agreeing on one thing; what truly makes a person happy depend on an individual’s definition, to put it differently; there is no one size fits all for happiness or the definition.
Since, happiness means different things to different people and the act …show more content…
Happiness is an independent feeling, which can only be validated by its user; every experience is different. Surely, there can only be speculation about what each gesture means and whether the individual is happy. Happiness, is not a universally shared emotion associated with any particular event in someone’s life. Expressing happiness about what brings joy to someone, may not be enough for others.
Deciding to embrace happiness on any level is an individual choice, not determined by the wealth of a neighbor, the home dreamed of nightly or continuous regrets of what could have been, the definition lies deep within, a personal journey that includes a set of values, that are part of your childhood and life’s lessons. Truly, some of the things named could create a temporary fulfillment, but none of these would be an everlasting argument for what created a happy life and they single-handedly do not define happiness in