Ignorance should never be a way of life for a fully grown human because knowledge always means power and ignorance never means bliss. For a child, however, ignorance of things they cannot accurately comprehend yet may be beneficial. I have always believed in Santa Claus until I caught my parents slipping presents into my Christmas socks. I was shell shocked when I witnessed that my parents were no Santa Claus and Santa Claus indeed did not exist. I cried. I cried because my parents were liars. I cried because Santa Claus was not real. Ignorant of that fact would have saved me from heartbreak but I have eventually learned to accept the reality of our world. We cannot be ignorant forever, at some point in the future; we will all learn to acquire the knowledge and the blessing of being knowledgeable.
Many times in life, people have been tempted to be ignorant. Being ignorant of things could give us a breather and as with all things in life, both knowledge and people come in differing degrees of strength. Sometimes, we just want to avoid and be less worry about issues we have in our lives. Childhood does have a kind of bliss, indeed. Children do not have the kinds of burdens that adults have-the burdens that come with responsibility and with awareness of the complexities of life and Ignorance has its place in life for awhile. As for parents, they may want to protect their children from knowledge which is too much for them to bear, too confusing for their minds to process. As we grow and become more independent, we must develop an adult mind of our own.
"Would it be beneficial or harmful to a person if they knew for certain the date of their death?" In this scenario, both