This is to have succeeded!” to me this simply means that success cannot be measured by anyone, the divide of success such as 1st, 2nd ,3rd or gold, silver and bronze is just the formality of peoples achievements. Unless a person grew rich or won the lottery you cannot be successful without hard work, passion and time dedication. To become a young successful person, you have to avoid certain things, and there will be certain requirements.
For a young person to become successful they have to keep positive friends around them, because negative friends can make you accomplish nothing in life, and plus they not always going to there for you, they say when you in a bad situation the people that come around to support you are who your real friends are ,friends can bring you down and make you do things you would never imagine yourself doing, I’m not saying that a person have to do the things her/his friends do, I’m simply saying that some young boys and girls are weak minded, and plus people choose to do stupid things, they will do anything just to make others like them. There is nothing wrong with having a small circle of friends. A young person needs to work hard in anything that she/he is doing in this world, because without hard work, passion, and time dedication nothing will move forward for you in this world. Instead of competing for who got the best outfits and who is prettier and who got the best boyfriend or girlfriends or who got the best hair, or bringing others down, young people should compete for careers and intelligence because without these things you can’t have a good career in this world. It would be better for young people to compete for careers and intelligence, because there would be more successful young people in this world, and the world would become less
violent. There are plenty of reasons why a young person would want to become successful in this world. One reason would be to achieve a certain goals that they have always wanted. People want to become successful because they love the taste of winning (achieving success is like personal victory). Another big reason people wants to become successful because they want the American dream which is define as a way of living that is thought by many Americans as something that can be achieved by anyone in the U.S. especially by working hard and becoming successful, with good jobs, nice houses, two children, and plenty of money. Some ways a young person can become successful is to get into a positive mindset, spend time each day to appreciate all things you have. Visualize things you want, close your eyes and visualize already having it. Always have faith in what you can do, learn from the past experiences and try not to repeat your mistakes, analyze reasons for your failure, try your hardest in every situation, act, learn, build, repeat and always have faith in god. Being successful is the most important thing in life because when you successful you get respect and people treat you different, they don’t look down on you. Not that I care what people think but, respect is earned to you when you are doing something positive with life, young people now a days don’t set plans for themselves they just interested in partying and having fun, you have to start young to succeed fun can always come later after you making good money.