To move nimbly or merrily; to express pleasure by motion; to caper; to frisk; to skip about. The leaping, tripping, or measured stepping of one who dances; an amusement, in which the movements of the persons are regulated by art, in figures and in accord with music.
A tune by which dancing is regulated, as the minuet, the waltz, the cotillion, etc.
2. a. Locomotors Movements- foundations of human being; have a direction; move from one place to another place; basic movements. * * Walking * Running * Hopping * Skipping * Crawling * Jumping * Sliding * Leaping * galloping
b. Non-locomotors Movements- consist of mainly the upper body to move. Feet stay firmly on the ground and you are not using any of the foundations of human movement. * * Turning * Stretching * Swaying * Bending * Striking * Shaking * Sustained * Suspended
3. What do you mean by dancing? * It refers to the movement of one’s feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, especially to the accompaniment of music. 4. Phases of the dance program: 5. BENEFITS OF DANCING
Dancing isn't just about the steps and music. It's a perfect combination of physical activity, social interaction, and mental stimulation. Dancing enhances your life in so many ways:
When you dance, your cardiovascular system improves, your muscle tone increases and you burn calories. This low-impact aerobic activity also increases flexibility, strength, and balance. Olympic athletes often dance as part of their training to sharpen their control, agility, and speed. Dancing is great exercise, and our