Land ethic essay
Definition of Land ethics
In upshot, which is a part of “The Sand County Almanac”, Leopold describes land ethics and suggests that we should adopt this ethics into our daily lives. Also, he meditates on the issue on environment and ethical implications of the environmentalism. According to Leopold, land ethic is “willing limitation on freedom of action in the struggle of survival.” Also, he states “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise” to define land ethics. He points out that land is made of interdependent parts and it is a community not a commodity. In addition, he points out that humans are not the owner or the master of the land community. Instead, humans are only part of the land which is a community. In other words, he emphasizes the community. He believes that mutual exchange between individuals is a key to protect the community and land ethic simply is community expanded to nature/land. Furthermore, he points out that everything in this world is required to understand the land. In other words, it means that we comprehend our place and other creatures’ place only in the context of the whole. For example, wolf is an enemy of the deer since it hunts deer, but wolf also can be a helper. Deer developed it keen hearing and running ability because of predator like wolf. In other hands, wolf developed its smelling ability and sharp teeth to catch animal like dears. Lastly, Leopards states that we should always value this land community and it is all of our duty to preserve beauty, power, stability, and integrity of this land