Dehydration and Gc Lab Report
Introduction In an E1 reaction, where E stands for elimination and 1 stands for unimolecular. The breaking of the C-LV bond is completed before any reaction occurs between the base to lose a hydrogen and form the carbon-carbon double bond [1]. When the more substituted alkene is the dominant product, the reaction follows Zaitsev's rule. Zaitsev's rule states that the major product of a β-elimination reaction is the most stable alkene [1].Acid-Catalyzed Dehydration is the elimination of a molecule of water from adjacent carbon atoms. An alcohol can be converted to an alkene by dehydration, which is often brought on by heating the alcohol with either 85% phosphoric acid or concentrated sulfuric acid [1]. The objective of this experiment is to dehydrate 3-methyl-3-pentanol to obtain the product mixture of isomeric alkenes 3-methyl-2pentene and 2-ethyl-1-butene. Then use the gas chromatography to separate the product mixture and analyze the composition [2].
Table of Reagents
|Name |Molecular Weight |Density |Melting Point |Boiling Point |
|2-methylcyclohexnol |114.19 g/mol |0.921 g/cm3 |-9.5oC |165oC |
|Phosphoric Acid |98 g/mol |1.88 g/cm3 |42.35oC |158oC |
|Calcium Chloride |110.98 g/mol |2.15 g/cm3 |772oC |1,935oC |
Fig: The chart shows the reagents used in the laboratory experiment and information regarding the solvents.
The experiment started by gathering the supplies for distillation. In the vial, 2mL of 2-methylcyclohexanol and 1mL of phosphoric acid is added. The solvents are thoroughly mixed and a few boiling chips is added to help with the