Deindividuation is a social psychological explanation of aggression. It refers to the loss of personal identity and responsibility that occurs as a result of being in a crowd of people.Le Bon suggests that individual are more likely to be involve in aggressive behaviour as a collective mindset is created when in a large anonymous crowd. Individuals feels less responsible and identifiable, so normal constraint to prevent aggressive behaviour may be lost. The share of responsibility for action reduces individual guilt.
This theory is validated by the work of Zimbardo where he imitated Millgram’s electic shock experiment. A group of femaile ppts were require to deliver electric shocks to another person(learner). Half of the ppts wore bulky lab coat and a hoods that covers their face(deindividuated), another half had a huge name tags and just wore normal clothes(individuated). Ppt in the deindividuated condition shocked the learner twice as long as did indentifiable ppts. This study supports the deindividuation theory as it shows the importance of anonymity and collective mind set. However this research can be critisised as lack of ecological validity because the task of shocking someone lacks mundane realism( doesn’t happen often in everyday life.), therefore the resilt cant be applied to realife situation. Nevertheless, since the ppt believed they are delivering real shocks the study still has high validity therfore, is still useful as a support.
Another study from zimbardo also support the importance of anonymity, it suggests that anonymity decrease sense of guilt, and vagues moral standards. Zimbardo interviewed male students and found that 1/3 them confess that they would rape if they wont get caught, in another word, punished. And this was a individual choice rather than conform to a crowd. Therefore, this study strengthens the theory and link between anonymity and deindividuation.
Furthermore, Mann’s study also