Poor Project Scheduling
An ill-planned project sets itself up for problems and delays right from the start. An effective project plan details every aspect of implementation, from staffing and budget to key processes and deadlines. Write out a comprehensive project plan before you undertake an endeavor to ensure it is cost-effective, has appropriate manpower and can be achieved within the parameters you set. If you 're undertaking a lengthy project, build in periodic checks and balances to ensure everything is on track as anticipated.
Lack of Cooperation
Project team members who are unable to collaborate effectively through cooperative efforts can experience delays, especially when it comes to deadlines. If one team member misses a deadline, it sets up a scenario in which subsequent deadlines are also behind schedule. Be firm in outlining specific roles and responsibilities for your team members, and make meeting deadlines a non-negotiable aspect of every project.
Changing Cost Structure
If you get into a project and find that you underestimated budgetary needs or see that the price of materials and supplies has increased during the course of the project, it can cause delays. You may be faced with cutting the parameters of the project to meet your original budget or coming up with additional financing to accommodate changes. For best results, overestimate expenses when initially planning your project to account for unanticipated costs.
Client Changes
Requested changes from a client or customer during the course of a project can throw timing off track. For example, if a customer decides to alter the scope of a
References: 1. FIMPONG, Y JACOB, O and LYNN, C., 2003. Causes of delay and cost overrun in construction of ground water project in developing countries: Ghana as a case study. Internal Journal of Project Management. 2. KIMBERLY, R. and JAMES, LYNEIS., 1999. Management focus: the dynamics of project management: benchmarking the derive of cost and schedule overrun, European Management Journal. 3. United Nations Environment Programme status report – July 2003. 4. MindTools: Project Schedule Development 5. Causes for Delay in Implementation of Projects by Sanjay Sharma, BE, MBA, PhM (Infrastructure) 6. Five Causes of Project Delay and Cost Overrun, and Their Mitigation Measures. By Ambsisi Ambituuni, The Robert Gordon University