It is the responsibility of the RN to ensure the team members are able to adequately perform delegated task. The RN also remains accountable for the outcome of these delegations. When delegating, the RN should take into consideration the five rights of delegation which include the right task, right circumstances, right person, right directions and communication, and right supervision and evaluation (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).
The RN can delegate components of the nursing process but, not the entire process. Components that cannot be delegated include assessment, diagnosis, plan of care and evaluation. Some interventions can be delegated but, it also depends on the stability of the patients involve (ANA). In orientating the LVN, Sarah should explain the task that is being delegated to the LPN and the expected outcomes. Sarah should ask the LPN about her knowledge of the procedure before delegating and to understand how much supervision …show more content…
These factors include context and environment, precipitating event, preconceived ideas, style of transmission and past experiences (Cherry & Jacob, 2014). Michael, the BSN, RN has had a past experience were he had heard a comments from other staff nurses belittling his baccalaureate nursing education when he had asked those nurses for assistance which cause him some discomfort. When Michael asked another experience associate degree nurse to help him with a procedure he had not performed before, he already had a preconceived idea about what the nurse respond would be due to his previous