What is an authority?
Authority is the cement of organisation structure in which various units of organisation are integrated. Without authority a manager cesses to be a manager. It is the authority that gives managers power to act. Authority is glue that holds organisation together. It is impossible to have an organisation unless some persons have the authority to command action of others.
The word Authority is derived from the Latin word “auctoritas” meaning invention, advice, opinion, influence, or command. In English, the word 'authority' connotes power given by the state or by academic knowledge of an area (someone can be an authority on a subject)
Weber defined domination (authority) as the chance of commands being obeyed by a specifiable group of people. Legitimate authority is that which is recognized as legitimate and justified by both the ruler and the ruled.
Authority sometimes refers to;- 1) The Institutionalized and legal power inherent in a particular job, function, or position that is meant to enable its holder to successfully carry out his or her responsibilities. 2) An agency or body created by a government to perform a specific function, such as environment management, power generation, or tax collection is an authority. 3) Judgment of a court or judicial opinion quoted in support of a legal argument.
In management field, the concept authority can be defined as:- 1. The right to guide and direct the actions of others and to secure from them responses which are appropriate to the attainment of the goals of the organisation. It is the right to utilise organisational resources and to make decision. In the words of Simon “Authority may be defined as the power to make decisions which guide the actions of others” (Gupta 2009) 2. The power that is delegated formally which includes a right to command a situation, commit resources, give orders and expect them to be obeyed, it is always