A Project Paper
Shaquanna Greene
November 2013
I chose to observe a religious setting that was a Deliverance Ministry. In this ministry there belief is built on “Coming Face To Face With Yourself in Christ”. (White, 2013). By being in there presence I could feel that they genuinely loved what they believed in. Inside this social group they called themselves Christians, which are people who profess in the believe in Jesus Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus (Farlex. Inc).
# By observing Kingdom Mind & Spirit Deliverance Ministires, I got a better understanding of how believing on Christ could elevate your mind to a greater level in God. As a social group they described themselves a Christians, which are people who profess in the belief in Jesus Christ or followers of the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus (Farlex. Inc). Kingdom Mind & Spirit Deliverance Ministries is built on “Coming face to face with yourself in Christ” (White,2013). As I observed the ministry, I immediately felt the love and compassion they have towards each other …show more content…
As the Christians attended Church they all bought something in common, The Holy Bible. The Bible is a tool that Christians go by to see God‘s actions in this world and His purpose with all creation (Biblica, 2011-2012). So many scriptures in this book brings life to millions of people around this world. As I observed the setting, I could see the passion people have for there belief. Some showed their emotions by crying, raising their arms and even shouting for joy. I remember the Pastor saying “ You have the power to speak anything you need in Christ Jesus( White,