Gwynedd-Mercy College
Business Ethics is a very important part of having and running a successful business. Your business ethics consist of the behavior that a business adheres to in daily dealings within the world. There are a few key components that are covered under the business ethical umbrella within the Dell Computer Corporation they are as follows: Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, Environmental Responsibility and Corporate Accountability. These key components are what make Dell Inc. a successful company within the computer industry.
Dell Inc’s Business Ethics. Dell Inc. is one of the largest computer manufactures in the world and they have grown tremendously over the years. Their evolving business strategy combines their revolutionary direct customer model with new distribution channels to reach commercial customers and individual consumers around the world. Dell’s Direct Model business approach is largely responsible for the success of the company, it provides a fast cost-efficient and customer friendly means of production and distribution (Dell, 2009). Since this market is ever changing, competitors are challenging Dell with new and unique products in effort to overcome the superiority of the Direct Model. The growth and development of the laptop computers is a primary area in which Dell Inc. can work for continued success, despite the threat posed by its competitors. Dell initiates the latest and appropriate technology much more promptly and efficiently than any other computer company (Dell, 2010). Also, Dell’s refined strategy to building an adequate infrastructure establishes market creditability against its better-known rivals. Their approach to the computer industry had two advantages: First they wanted to bypass distributors and retail dealers which will eliminate markups of resellers, and second building to order greatly reduced to the cost and risks associated with
References: About Dell. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2010, from Corporate Responsibility. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2010, from Ghillyer, A. W., (2010) Business Ethics: A Real World Approach. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies. Sliver, R., (2002) the 21st Century Executive: Innovative practices for building leadership at the top, San Francisco, Jossey Bass.