*The members of a project team at Delta Inc. have recently started working on a project. The team members are now involved in coming up with systematic strategies and a plan of action that will help them in meeting the project requirements well.
The team is most likely to be in the norming (developing strategies and activities that promote goal achievement.)stage of team development. *In the context of positive group roles, a(n) harmonizer is the one who keeps tensions low. *nonverbal messages can contradict the accompanying verbal message and affect whether your message is understood or believed. Cannot be avoided, Vary between people and cultures, May be contradictory or unintentional, beneficial or harmful, May be intentional and receive more …show more content…
attention than the verbal message
* Effective groups can have members from different statuses. Some group members will appear to have higher ranking than others. *forming refers to becoming acquainted with each other and the assigned task. * A task force is generally given a single goal and a limited time to achieve it.
* Simply restating in your own words what you think the other person has said fosters effective listening.
*Casual listening illustrates that people are selective listeners.
*In the context of team development, storming refers to dealing with conflicting personalities, goals, and ideas. *a digresser is the one who deviates from the group 's purpose.*listening for info.
*People must satisfy their basic lower level needs before progressing to higher level needs. *According to Maslow 's hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs of employees would a company be addressing if it offered free insurance benefits for all its employees? = the security and safety need. *In a Total Quality Management environment, decision-making power is distributed to the people closest to the problem, who usually have the best information sources and solutions. * nonverbal elements can account for more than 90 percent of the total meaning of the message and vary between and within cultures. *Helen, a project manager, does not sit at the head of the table during staff meetings. What kinesic message is she most probably projecting in this case? = Equality with the team members
*Empathetic listening is listening to others in an attempt to share their feelings or emotions.
*flattened structures have more group or team emphasis, communication becomes more important—not less important. *socializer = negative group player *
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs =Self-actualizing needs > Ego needs > Social needs >Stages of Team Development
Security and safety needs > Physiological needs.
Types of Teams
Task Force
• Achieve a single goal in limited time
Quality assurance team
(quality circle)
• Focus on product or service quality
Cross-functional team
• Join employees from various departments to solve problems
Product development
• Focus on the development cycle of new products
BUS Ch.13
*Preparing a Print (Designed) Résumé = Develop appealing format that highlights qualifications; Format for quick, easy reading; Create an appealing output; Consider adding a statement of your creativity and originality
*Preparing a Scannable Résumé =Use popular, nondecorative typefaces; Use 10- to
14-point font; Do not include italics, underlining, open bullets, or graphic lines/boxes;
Use ample white space; Print on one side of white, standard-size paper; Do not fold or staple
*Making a Résumé Search Friendly = Place name as first item on every page; Add powerful keywords in separate section; Capitalize first letter of each keyword; Begin with most important, work in reverse; Use only 80 keywords; Support keywords in résumé body.
*A Professional Portfolio = Illustrates past activities, projects, and accomplishments; Can be easier to organize and transport if presented digitally; Must show clear understanding of audience needs and your qualifications.
* functional résumé = If you consider yourself well qualified, or your education or experience is scant; the organizational format for résumés that highlights an applicant 's transferable skills.
*Preparing Electronic Postings = Know postings are not confidential, Prepare a professional submission that follows instructions precisely; Send résumé in requested format: Inline résumé — text résumé pasted below email cover message;
Text résumé — ASCII or RTF format that removes formatting; Attachment saved as word processing file; Include keyword summary after identification section
*Employment Videos = Keep video simple with one stationary shot using a good camera and tripod
Use proper lighting that focuses on applicant’s face
Speak clearly at easy-listening pace using quality microphone
Choose camera friendly, good-fitting clothing appropriate for job sought
Edit video to assure professional image
*Preparing Effective Application Messages = Use persuasive message strategy to sell your qualifications; Include original statements; Select concise, on-target language tailored to the employer’s needs; Assure tone that avoids insincere flattery, false modesty, or boastful statements; Focus on your strengths, provide evidence of qualifications, and portray a positive attitude
Standard Parts of a Résumé
Career summary
Personal information
A targeted résumé is a résumé that reflects the requirements of a specific job listing.