Stephanie Kinnunen
Rasmussen College
This paper is being submitted on April 27, 2015, for Ethan Anderson’s G150 Structure and Function of the Human Body course.
Course Project- Disease Summary
When somebody is having a trouble remembering things or having trouble communicating with others they might have dementia. Dementia is a condition that has affected the human brain. When there is damage to the brain and can end up in a head injury or a stroke is when dementia can happen.
The most common sign of Dementia is having memory loss. There is a wide range of symptoms when it comes to dementia. Before somebody is considered to have dementia two of the core mental functions must be impaired which are memory, communication and language, ability to focus and pay attention, judgment, and visual perception. Dementia is something that is progressive, which will start off slow, and it will gradually get worse over time.
When the brain cells are damaged from a accident or a brain tumor it interfere with the cells that communicate with other cells that are in the brain. When there is a communication brake down among the cells it will take a affect on the person way of thinking, behavior, and also the way one will feel. The blood vessels that run through the human body are important when it comes to the brain. The brain contains the richest blood vessels in the body and when the other vessels are deprived of oxygen it can cause damage to the brain vessels. The brain vessels are linked to area where vascular dementia can happen.
There are different regions that are apart the brain itself and each different region has the responsibility to carry out certain functions. If one of these regions is damaged they will not be able to do their jobs the way they are suppose to. Hippocampus is what the brain region is called which is the center of the learning and is the memory for the brain. When there is any damage that happens to