Denmark and Finland are the welfare states. The people select the people who are going to lead the country and the people then work hard for the betterment of the people who select them. They work for the welfare of the people and take the leadership as a pure responsibility towards the state and towards the people as well.
This article started a new debate in the corners of the country. People started thinking what actually is democracy? Is it the way we select the Leaders or is it the way they actually run Government? Is our prosperity important or the system? Is the system built for the people or the people are made for the system? These questions are still unanswered and these are the real talking points about the system of government According to the thinkers and decision makers, Democracy is still the best revenge. It is the best form of
Government in a country like Pakistan. According to many of those, it is an extension of the form of
Government which was established in Islamic states at the time of Khalifa. 4 caliphates followed Prophet
Muhammad PBUH, and all of them were selected or elected through different forms.
On a concluding note, we can say that Democracy is one of the best system of Government for Pakistan, according to many. It is denied by many critics on sound bases but still Pakistan need its continuation for the betterment of the country. We really need to work hard for the better system implementation of
Democracy in Pakistan which is the dire need of this time.
Revenge from Education
In education sector no attention is being paid to raise the literacy level and instead the education budget is being cut down. HEC (Higher Education Commission) which was playing a vital role in raising the standards of higher education is going to be dissolved and its budget has also been cut.