Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents
Direction: Kindly provide the information being asked and put a check on the option that best reveals your current status based on the given information.
Name (optional):
1. Age
21 - 25 31 - 35
26 - 30 36 - 40 years and above
2. Gender
Male Female
3. Civil Status
Single Widow/ Widower
Married Separated
4. Length of Service as Manager
1 - 2 years 5 - 6 years
3 - 4 years 7 years and above
Part II. Employee Performance
Directions: Kindly indicate your answer by checking the appropriate column that best describes your responses. Be guided by the ff. scale:
4 - Very Effective 3 - Effective 2 - Least Effective 1 - Not Effective
|A. ( 360- Degree Method ) |4 |3 |2 |1 |
|Execution | | | | |
|Employees are... | | | | |
| Evaluated individually. | | | | |
|Evaluated their behavior and competencies with biases. | | | | |
|Treated with fairness and equality in evaluating performance. | | | | |
|Not aware of what are the developments they need to pursue. | | | | |
|Evaluated their behavior and competencies associated with job performance and success. | | | | |