What are dental implants?
Dental implants are removal of old and broken natural tooth and replacing it with stronger and newer tooth roots. Dental implants give a solid foundation for either permanent or temporary (removable) teeth. The implants always match the natural tooth.
What are the types of dental implants?
There are at least two types of dental implants: endosteal and subperiosteal. Endosteal simply means in the bone. This type of implant is extremely common and several types of cylinders, blades and screws are placed into the jaw. Prosthetic teeth are held in one or more implants. Patients with removal dentures and bridges usually use this type of dental implant. Subperiosteal means on the bone where implants are placed on the jaw where …show more content…
the prosthesis is held on top of the jaw with the metal framework projecting out through the gum. These implants are useful for patients with negligible bone height and cannot wear regular conventional dentures.
What are the advantages of dental implants?
There are various advantages of dental implants and just some of them are: Improved speech, improved appearance, better comfort all leading to better self-esteem, improved oral health, convenience with non-removable dentures and long lasting withstanding high levels of wear and tear.
Who can undergo dental implants?
Dental implants can be done for patients who have single or multiple missing teeth. Every missing tooth can lead to disproportionate alignment of the rest of the teeth leading to faster erosion and deterioration of jaw movements. This also has an adverse impact on the mastification of food.
There are no age bars for dental implants. All that is required is enough bone capacity to place the implants.
Patients with medical conditions like thyroid dysfunctions, uncontrolled diabetes, blood disorders, patients with rare and permanent bone disorders, and patients with fragile bone density, redundant sinuses, and patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy are poor candidates of dental implants. It is always imperative that they pre-opinionated by their primary care physician before undergoing cosmetic dental implants.
What are the success rates of dental
There have been many advances in the field of dental sciences and a parallel increase in success rates, thereby. A patient can experience over 90% success rate depending on the type of implant and patient disposition. Natural bones usually give a higher success rate. It is imperative that a patient equips themselves with before and after oral care up on implants. It is noted that lower jaw implants experience greater than 95% success rate and 90% on the upper jaw implants.
Before and after care of dental implants-
Before: Any basic and fundamental oral and personal health issues have to be addressed before an implant. Shave off any extra facial hair so that it does not obstruct the surgeon’s vision. Take appropriate pre-antibiotic courses prescribed by the doctor. Brush and rinse before the implant – having high oral hygiene is important.
After: Usually patient is restricted to a soft diet and minimal chewing during the first few weeks of the surgery. The patient is advised an intake of prescribed antibiotics and pain medications as recommended by the surgeon. He / she is also recommended to maintain any follow-up appointments with the doctor.
Are dental implants painful?
Contrary to popular belief dental implants are not painful at all. Local anaesthetics are used to minimize pain during surgery and after care pain medications alleviate any pain or discomfort that is felt after the surgery.
Getting back to daily routine and work-
The patient can get back to daily routine and work the next day of the implant to be followed with appropriate post-operative care as prescribed by the surgeon.
Where do I approach for any additional doubts?
Our doctors at Mahendra’s Dental Hospital are always pleased to assist you with any additional queries you might have on the subject.