Dependent personality disorder
Avoidant personality disorder
Anankastic (Obsessive-Compulsive) personality disorder.
Dependent Personality Disorder is a mental disorder where the sufferers exhibits an excessive need to be taken care of, submissive, needy, clingy, exhibits heightened level of anxiety. Someone with dependent personality disorder feels alone and helpless. They develop a pessimistic attitude towards all situations they have to face/deal with and thei doubt their skills and abilities …show more content…
o Feel uncomfortable/helpless alone and starts a new relationship soon after their relationship ends. o Have a continuous fear of ending up alone o Find it tough to make decisions without people’s guidance and want others to make important decisions for them. o Find it hard to express disagreement, fear of losing support.
Living with a person suffering from dependent personality disorder can be difficult as they make everything difficult for the person they depends on. The person has to make life decisions for them and guide them. Sufferers can be considered as burdens.
Avoidant Personality Disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by a lifelong pattern of extreme shyness, feeling of insufficiency and sensitivity to rejection. Sufferers believe they are socially inept, unappealing, inferior and fear embarrassment and criticism/disapproval.
Common traits of avoidant personality disorders are:
Socially inhibited timidity
Isolation, especially avoiding new activities/meeting with strangers.
Extreme shyness in social situations/personal relationships.
Sensitive to/preoccupied with