Donnie Dwyer
Depressive disorders during youth occur frequently. During childhood there are an estimated one to two percent of children between the ages of six and twelve that have a Major depressive disorder. That rate changes to two to five percent in adolescents or ages thirteen to eighteen. Fourteen to twenty five percent of youth experiences at least one episode of major depression before adulthood. Depression has been diagnosed at a much higher rate than in the past few decades. Episodes of major depression will reoccur within a five year time period. Depression is often combined with anxiety disorders, dysthymia, disruptive disorders and, or substance abuse and is associated with increased risk taking behavior that could lead to sexual transmitted infections or pregnancy. Depression in youth can last for several months and is often circular and returns. Some studies show that many adolescents that have depression grow up to be depressed adults. The lack of care and identification of depression from pre-adolescent depression is also a factor the leads to adult depression. Some researchers suggest that the care given to a child while transitioning into adulthood is not consistent so there is a loss in continuity from child to adult depression. Other data suggest that children with major depression continue to experience high rates of depression into adulthood and through out there lives. Many youth that have depression often have substantial impairment in social functioning, including poor school achievement and problems with both family and peers. Depressed youth also have a higher rate of suicide. Other psychosocial impairment growths with increasing severity of depression; however, even minor depression is associated with much social impairment. Although in many cases depression in youth will be recognized and treated, there are still fewer than half of youths with major
References: Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From - To. Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name.