(1) The essence of God is to be a perfect being. (That is, I cannot conceive of God as not being a perfect being.)
(2) Existence is a perfection.
(3) Therefore, God exists. (Or I cannot conceive of God as not existing.)
This argument goes hand in hand with Aquinas’ fourth way, the Argument from Degrees of Excellence, where Aquinas states that different things are found to be more or less good/true/noble. He then goes on to say that these particular qualities are based on their highest degree and therefore something that is true is held to the highest degree. So anything held to the highest degree is also the cause of all things of that kind, meaning that because it is at highest degree anything similar or of that same nature is caused by this high …show more content…
Which entitles that there exists something that is the cause of being, and goodness and of all the perfect things that exist and this perfection we call god. This argument will work because both Descartes and Aquinas both believe that God is the perfection that is why everything