out that our senses can be deceived therefore any knowledge that derives from our senses are in fact in doubt. With stark contrast, Locke’s essay mentions the significance of external experience, knowledge that can be obtained using our five senses. Furthermore, Locke explains his theory of sense experience to be an analysis of the characteristics of an object that conveys ideas to a person’s mind. In addition, he writes that the “great source of most of the ideas we have he calls sensation”. Locke also discusses the internal sense or the reflection, that he describes as the ideas that can only be had by the mind. My assessment about the two conflicting theories is that they are not mutual exclusive therefore the two can exist simultaneously. I personally fancy myself a rationalist when I am working on a complex problem that requires reasoning, and mathematical principles. In contrast, there have been times when I have relied on my senses to assess a situation, and that experience has lead me to draw the correct conclusion.
out that our senses can be deceived therefore any knowledge that derives from our senses are in fact in doubt. With stark contrast, Locke’s essay mentions the significance of external experience, knowledge that can be obtained using our five senses. Furthermore, Locke explains his theory of sense experience to be an analysis of the characteristics of an object that conveys ideas to a person’s mind. In addition, he writes that the “great source of most of the ideas we have he calls sensation”. Locke also discusses the internal sense or the reflection, that he describes as the ideas that can only be had by the mind. My assessment about the two conflicting theories is that they are not mutual exclusive therefore the two can exist simultaneously. I personally fancy myself a rationalist when I am working on a complex problem that requires reasoning, and mathematical principles. In contrast, there have been times when I have relied on my senses to assess a situation, and that experience has lead me to draw the correct conclusion.