Gustavo Barraza
Strayer University
Humanities - World Cultures II
Dr. Elaine Cassel
Winter 2013
Descartes’ Discourse on the Method – Part IV Descartes describes the results of his meditations when he reached the true knowledge and findings of the truth of his though. At the beginning of his investigation, Descartes undertakes to consider as false everything that he can possibly doubt. Descartes suggest that our sense experience, imagination, and will are all a part of the mind alone, and are not linked to the world.
The surprise ending comes when he did not intend to prove or disprove the existence of God when he began his search to find out what truth is. I realized that the direction of the reading was changing when Descartes realized that his soul makes him who he is. So for Descartes the idea of God was an innate idea, in which God is eternal, immutable, omniscient and omnipotent, that is has all the qualities that we can imagine but cannot possess. According to Clarke (2006), state that “If the reasons that prevent me from publishing it were to change, I could make a different decision without thereby being fickle” (p. 126).
The ending was easy to accept because, I as a Christian know that our souls do make us who we are and that God is perfect and the truth. I think the reason is the foundation that allows us to build a happy life and that this must be exercised since not always easy to distinguish something good out of something bad.
Clarke, D. M. (2006). Descartes : A Biography. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from eBook Collection