Great teamwork allows the school as a whole to run effectively and achieve excellent results. In a school there are many other people to consider as your team rather than just the people you work with closely on a daily basis. Knowing and executing your role as an individual to the best of your ability allows you be a valued member of any team. It is also essential to know the roles of those around you. This allows you to fully understand and support each other. By working as a team you can gain valuable knowledge from those who are more experienced than you, but it also allows you to suggest newer and fresher ways to approach learning. By working as team you will learn to trust and respect your colleagues, build relationships and build your own confidence. Problems can be shared and solutions can be discussed or suggested. You can learn new skills, take better responsibility of your own role and achieve your end goal more effectively. Teamwork sets a good example to others especially children and shows them we are surrounded by people who we can trust and respect. It allows a happy calm and organised environment to learn within. Working with colleagues who are passionate about their role can inspire and motivate you be a better team player.
3.2 Describe the purpose and objectives of the team in which they work.
In a school environment the main purposes of the team are to:
Support and respect each other within the school team including all members of staff and children. Provide a safe environment to teach and learn within by respecting and trusting each other. Consider others and be sympathetic to their individual needs and beliefs. Be able to adapt too many different situations and be flexible in your approach. To be fair to all and treat everyone as an equal. To be able to accept criticism and be able to reflect on what you were good at and where you can improve. You need to fully