For this practical application assignment, make believe that you are a real estate agent living and working in southern Florida. The senior real estate partner of your firm e-mails you a document containing Florida pool home data, which you've retrieved from the Updates and Handouts section of this unit, and asks you to find ways describe the most important aspects of the home sale data. This technique is called descriptive statistics. The file contains data for 80 properties, including home prices, home sizes, number of bathrooms, niceness ratings, and whether or not there's a pool. This file is used as an example on pages 142–143 of Business Statistics in Practice. Be sure that you have read Appendix 2.1, on pages 80–87, in your textbook, which provides instruction on how to construct a frequency distribution, histogram, and scatter plot in Excel. Compute the following data parameters:…
Generally, pediatric pain management remains a huge challenge to all health care providers in primary, tertiary, acute and other health care settings in Uganda. It is even more challenging for low resource settings such as Mulago hospital where pain management seems not a fundamental right for all patients regardless of the available resources. For this reason, the WHO continues to emphasize pain management as a fundamental right regardless of age, culture, race, ethnicity and socio economic status [5,…
The problem presented is pain control in children postoperatively. Currently there are no proven ways to accurately measure postoperative pain in children. Hospital staff tend to under estimate the pain of children. Staff have only the word of patients and caregivers, combined with pain scales, which can be less than reliable due to the fact that many of them are utilizing opinions and visual cues. It is more difficult to gauge the pain of a child, especially under the age of 5, and in nonverbal children. So, the real problem is that many children do not have properly managed pain postoperatively.…
I was able to assess the mother that was in labor throughout the time of her full dilation till the recovery. During the recovery especially, I visited her room every 15 minutes to check and massage to fundus, the nurse showed me where to locate the fundus and what to and to not expect, because if it was not firm it could risk hemorrhaging. I didn’t do it myself but the assessment of the neonate was interesting because they let the mother hold the baby after assessment because he expressed crying at birth, but if not that shows respiratory distress that would not have allowed the skin to skin touch that the mother was able to experience.…
The goal of the study is to determine if there is an association of intrapartum temperature elevation among women who receive epidural analgesia with adverse neonatal outcome and to determine if there is an association of the use of epidural analgesia among women without temperature elevation with adverse neonatal outcome. The sample size consisted of low-risk nulliparous women who were at 37 weeks pregnant, and pregnancies were excluded if the infants had documented sepsis, meningitis, or a major congenital defect. Neonatal outcomes were compared among groups without the presence of intrapartum temperature elevation between women receiving (n=1538) and not receiving epidural analgesia (n=363) and the group of women receiving epidural in…
Sally’s first priority nursing problem is post-surgery pain R/T Tendo Achilles lengthening and plaster cast application (Ackley, Ladwig, 2010). Sally’s pain is evidenced by her observed grimacing and crying with continuous lifting of her legs off the cot mattress and her Mother’s subjective statement “I can’t seem to settle her, she doesn’t even want to breastfeed she’s so distressed” (Browne, et. al., 2007; Hockenberry & Wilson, 2011). When attempting to measure pain in infants the FLACC Pain Tool is popular for children less than 3yrs old, as it is a behavioural observational scale of Face, Legs, Activity, Crying, and Consolability scored from 1-10 not requiring self-report (Hockenberry & Wilson, 2011). Sally’s FLACC pain scale is scored as an 8/10 because her face shows quivering of chin and or a clenched jaw, whilst her legs are kicking and drawing up with restless or arching…
I choose this subject because I am days way from delivering my first baby. The article starts out by explaining what pain assessment is. The detailed pain management strategies range anywhere from; cooling gel pads to medications. The authors also explain that women who had their pain managed properly…
Pain management is a major concern for nursing care. Not only does controlling pain help the patient rest and heal, it also improves patient satisfaction. Pain management involves more than providing the patient with pain medication, it is an entire nursing process that starts at the time of admission. “A thorough pain history and shared goal setting are critical components of effective pain management that leads to beneficial outcomes” (Glowacki, 2015). Pain history includes past experiences of pain, current and past pain methods that have managed pain effectively, a tolerable level of pain, triggers of pain, and so on. Obtaining this history is imperative for the nurse in order to meet the patient’s pain management goals. This may just be…
The birthing center is a department that involves various different teams. There are the labor and delivery nurses, the postpartum nurses, and the NICU nurses. Alongside the nurses are the doctors which include the anesthesiologist and the OB GYN. In such a big department with various different roles, the communication and teaming skills are essential. The labor and delivery nurses must be in contact with the patient in order to give them their best treatment possible. They must communicate the the NICU if there is any complications that could lead to problems with the baby’s health. They should also keep the postpartum nurses uptodate with the mother’s health status. Specifically, the nurses have to communicate between the patient and the doctor in order to assure all the information if correct. For safety procedures, the nurses must gel in and gel out as well as wearing gloves. They must also make sure all the equipment in the room is clean and available incase of any emergencies. She will also make sure that each equipment if properly cleaned before and after each examination. Some diagnostic procedures I observed include temperature check, physical examination, and cervical dilation check. The nurses go into a patient’s room and tell them they will be checking for far they are into labor by doing a…
The majority of the nurses that were surveyed utilized the verbal pain assessment tool at almost 90%. Ninety-two percent of the registered nurses assessed pain on each patient in their care, and the notifications to the physician of uncontrolled pain is at a 90% rate. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that the different populations of patients were assessed, was and could be done so by different assessment tools pertinent to that patient. The findings of this particular study have significant implications for registered nurses in using evidence-based practice to adequately treat patient’s pain. The study suggested that for nurses to properly treat the pain, the populations at hand should be taken into consideration. In learning how different populations perceive pain, nurses were then able to use evidence pain practice to adequately control patient’s…
Kane, R. L., Shamliyan, T. A., Mueller, C., Duval, S., Wilt, T. J. (2007). The association of registered nurse staffing levels and patient outcomes. Systematic review and meta-analysis. Medical Care, 45(12): 1195-1204. Kaushal, R., Bates, D.W., Landrigan, C., McKenna, K. J., Clapp, M. D., Federico, F., Goldman, D. A. (2001). Medication errors and adverse drug events in pediatric inpatients. Journal of the American Medical Association, 285(16), 2114-2120. Lewandowski, L. A. & Tessler, M. D. (Eds.). (2003). Family-centered care: Putting it into action: The SPN/ANA guide to family-centered care. Washington DC: American Nurses Publishing. Mark, B. A., Harless, D. W., Berman, W. F. (2007). Nurse staffing and adverse events in hospitalized children. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 8(2): 83-92. Monsen, R. B., Finley, S. (2007). Shortage of nurses and child health. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 22(3), 231-232). National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions. (2003). Clinical practices service program: Benchmark data. Available from National Association of Neonatal Nurses (2008). Minimum RN staffing in NICU’s. Retrieved online February 11, 2011. Needleman, J., Buerhaus, P. I., Stewart, M., Zelevinsky, K., Soeren, M. (2006). Nurse staffing in hospitals: Is there a business case for quality? Health Affairs, 25(1): 204-211. Schwalenstocker, E., Bisarya, H., Lau, S. & Adebimpe, O. (2007). Nursing-sensitive indicators for children 's hospital care quality: Indicators are essential, but further testing is needed for use in comparing hospital performance. A white paper prepared by the Pediatric Data Quality Systems (PediQS) Collaborative. September 2007. Retrieved on line: February 8, 2011: lay.cfm&ContentID=29730. Society of Pediatric Nurses. (2008). Position statement on family centered care content in the nursing education curriculum. Retrieved on-line: February 21, 2011.,com_docman/Itemid,222/task,doc_view/gid,193/…
workers to understand the nature and the severity of child, congruently, it would be difficult to relieve the discomfort effectively and safely. However, The American Pain Society (Sept. 2001, vol. 8) argued it is important to be sure that children ages between 3 and 7 years, are competent enough to provide information in reporting of location, quality, intensity, and tolerability are accepted. Furthermore, the usage of communication enables an active participation to pediatric patients, its goal is to raise their concerns, ask questions and their adherence to medication regimens and medical interventions (Levetown 2008). For example, the use of patient controlled analgesia (PCA), child can managed his pain because he was properly informed…
The chosen model of care is Essentials of Care (EOC). The EOC model is a framework that focuses on the essential components of patient centred care and seeks to support the development and ongoing evaluation of nursing and midwifery practice. The main purpose of the EOC model is to improve patient safety and outcomes by enabling nurses and midwives to emphasis on developing clinical environments that enhance patient care, teamwork and individual work satisfaction (NSW department of health 2009). The transformation of this model requires all patients, families and healthcare staff to have the opportunity to participate in the decision making process regarding the holistic approach of their healthcare. The EOC is done through evaluating the quality of healthcare delivery, recognizing prospects for the development of practice, initiating locally established plans to improve practice and engaging clinicians in transformational practice development (NSW department of health 2009). The assessment and monitoring of patients post operatively is a crucial stage to ensure that the appropriate intervention of care is provided sufficiently for the patients. Providing effective pain control is an essential process for the well being of all post operative patients. Pain management in the post operative period is given in accordance to the surgery performed, age, sex and status of the individual patient. Post operative pain control not only relieves the patient from unnecessary pain, it also reduces anxiety and assists in the recovery from surgery. Anxiety has been associated with physiological effects which influence the levels of pain experienced by the patient (Vaughn et al 2007). Research has shown that anxiety in patients cause delay in the healing process and can lower their immunity (Kiecolt-Glaser et al 1995). The advantages of effective pain management include patient comfort and satisfaction enabling a faster recovery and reduced cost of care.…
Acute pain is a widely discussed phenomenon that has disparate manifestations in all diverse patient demographics. This essay will outline the definition of acute pain and identify the key nursing assessments whilst relating it to the specific case study of a 3-year-old child post-tonsillectomy. In further depth, it will also discuss key developmental milestones of that of a 3-year-old child and how this developmental stage influences the child’s communication with health care professionals. It will define acute pain and correlate that definition to the acute pain associated with tonsillectomy. Furthermore the pathophysiology of tonsillectomy will be discussed and the relationship between the procedure and the specific physiology of the pertinent…
A cross-sectional study is a type of observational research that studies groups of subjects or populations at one particular point in time. The study, with participants who can be grouped by age or background, is beneficial because it not only can examine one variable, but it can examine additional variables simultaneously with only a slight, if any, cost increase. Another benefit of the cross-sectional research method is that it can be performed more quickly; however this information gathering method does not answer why questions or determine cause-and-effect relationships. One example of a cross-sectional study might be conducted to compare developmental milestones in two or more groups of children…