The argument from design, otherwise known as the teleological argument, is an argument for the existence of God based upon the empirical evidence of the design of nature. The argument form design is considered as part of Natural theology. Defined Natural theology is a set of arguments that argue for the existence, in which their aim is not presuppose a belief in God, but rather have their starting point with the existence of the world, the order and purpose in the world and the concept of God. Respectively, the names of these arguments are the Cosmological argument, the design argument and the Ontological Argument. The aim of this essay shall be to assess the successfulness of the design argument. …show more content…
John Stuart Mill, does this in "Nature and the utility of Religion. He does this by ascribing the designer to human characteristics. He argues that events that occur that out of human control or prevention, nature is guilty in which no one is held accountable for. However, the actions in which humans and animals undergo, would never go unpunished if there was a human agency involved. On the topic of the argument from design, Mill strongly believes that there is no intelligent agency in the universe, and if the argument was to succeed one would be forced to conclude that " Either there is no God or there exists and incompetent or immoral God", as this would not fit in with the God of Classical Theism.
Hume, an influential commentator on the successfulness of the argument from designed, summarized this argument into eight critical points, and then continued to criticize them. For example the fifth critical point states that "in a similar vein, there might be more than one divine designers just like there are many human designers". As an argument the teleological argument does not fully prove that only intelligent agency created all things. Rather it invites the idea that other lesser deities may have been involved. The eight critical points are as …show more content…
There is no question that livings can be considered to be the best examples of nature having a purpose rather than being chaotic. However, the emergence of thinkers such as Charles Darwin his evolution theory or even the Big bang offer an alternative which are theories that have been proposed in order to exclude any notion of design. Rather than design, chance is attributed to the appearance of it, with the adaptability of species explaining our suitability to the earth. The big bang theory challenges the argument from design through discarding the idea of an intelligent agency, God, and replacing it with a sudden explosion of nucleus of matter 16 billion years ago. In terms of the successfulness of the design argument, our increase in science has added alternatives which to a certain extent explains away the need of an intelligent agency. However, it is more likely that "if Darwin is correct to ascribing the origin of species to natural selection, then the production of a teleological structure may be due in the first instance to factors which are purely mechanistic. But both may be right and yet the ultimate explanation of the phenomena be