Hydro Turbine Design in a VR Environment
E. Goede 1) , A. Kaps 1), A. Ruprecht 1), U. Woessner2)
Institute for Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery (IHS), University of Stuttgart
Computing Center (RUS), University of Stuttgart
Usually hydraulic turbines have to be designed individually according to the local operating conditions of power station such as discharge, head and given geometrical situations. This requires a tailor-made design mainly for the turbine runners. The shapes of the runners are rather complicated and therefore the understanding of the complex geometry and especially of the spatial structures of the flow are very difficult to analyze by two-dimensional display tools. Many different views and cuts have to be prepared and analyzed, which is quite uneconomical and time consuming. In a virtual reality environment, however, the complex geometry and especially the flow behavior can be controlled much faster and in more detail.
This is particularly the case for students, who are not completely familiar with turbine shapes.
Consequently a design tool based on VR-techniques is developed at IHS and RUS. The system is used for educational purposes as well as for industrial applications.
The primary design is obtained on the basis of Euler's equation for turbomachinery. The design parameters such as head, discharge, speed, number of blades can be changed by sliders. Other parameters, e. g. blade angle can be manipulated by interaction in VR using
3D interaction devices. Since Euler's equation is relatively simple the geometrical shape can be calculated online. Therefore many sets of parameters can be investigated and optimized in a short time.
After the primary design the blade shape is fixed and can then be analyzed by numerical flow simulation. The flow calculation, based on the Navier-Stokes equations, can be carried out on a supercomputer in order to achieve a short