Written Examination Paper
By Ben(Zhibin Xu)
Capital College California
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Credential of
Montessori Teacher
May , 2013
Under the Supervision of Ms. Evelyn
You are asked to set up a practical life area in the classroom. What are the principles you must take into consideration in designing the practical life materials?
I’ll consider the function and manageability, good looks and aesthetic appeal, proportions, completeness, color coordination, control of error, safety and respect for tools, interest, cleanliness, price, availability, readiness, work potential, sequence, organization, order, adaptability, teacher and learning mode, working order, quality and cultural relevance.
2.Explain with examples the characteristics built into the practical life exercise that help children have successful experience when they use the material. • Familiar- Activities children see everyday in their environment. • Culturally Specific- Exercises that reflect the culture in which children live. • Real- Real tools and activities reflects the respect we have for children and their abilities. • Physically Proportioned- In order to help children develop their motor skills and perfect precise movements. • Attractive- Experiencing beauty lays the foundation of self-appreciation. • Color-coded- To assist children in independence. • Orderly- In order for children to develop work organization, setting limits, and integrate and form connections between things in their environment.
• Limited- In order to instill to children the idea of repetition, intelligent choice, and fo the children to realize in a gentle way that they can't always have their needs satisfied at once.
3.A prospective parent would like to know why you have the practical life area in the classroom. How would you explain to her/him the importance of the practical life