1.1 When assessing you need to take account of a range of factors:
1. Confidentiality must be kept at all times. You must have the senior practitioner’s and/or the parents’ permission before making formal observations of children. Do not to leave confidential material lying around they must be secured in a locked cabinet. Line of reporting-only talk to authorized personal about confidential material. This confidentially can only be broken when a child is at real risk.
2. Be objective. You should not jump to premature conclusions. Only record what you actually see or hear not what you think or feel. For example, the statement “The child cried “ is objective, but to say “ The child is sad “ is subjective, as you do not know what the child is feeling; children can cry for a variety of reasons e.g. to draw attention to themselves or to show discomfort.
3. Remember equal opportunities. Consider children’s disabilities, learning needs, cultural backgrounds e.g. children may be very competent at communicating in their community language, but may have more difficulty in expressing themselves in English; this does not mean they are behind in their language development. Consider how any special needs may affect children’s development, learning and/or behaviour.
4. Be positive! Focus on the children’s strengths not just on any learning or behavioural difficulties they may have. Look at what children can do in terms of their development and/ or learning and use this as the foundation for providing future activities.
5. Use a holistic approach. Remember to look at the ‘whole’ child. You need to look at all areas of children’s development in relation to the particular aspect of development or learning you are focusing on.
6. Consider the children’s feelings. Depending on the children’s ages, needs and abilities, you should discuss the observation with the children to be observed and respond appropriately to their views.
References: Barentsen, Jodi Roffey and Malthouse, Richard. Reflective Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector, 2009. Learning Matters Brookes – http://www.brookes.ac.uk/services/ocsld/resources/methods.html Bowlby, J. (1969/1982). Attachment and Loss, Vol.1: Attachment. New York: Basic Books. Bowlby, J. (1988). A Secure Base. New York: Basic Books. EYFS framework, 2008 Francis, Mary and Gould, Jim Lansdown, Gerison. Can you hear me? The right of young children to participate in decision affecting them (2005). Bernard van Leer Foundation Mehrabian, A Minton, David. Teaching Skills in Further and Adult Education, 2005. Thomson Learning Pollard, Andrew .Reflective Teaching: 3rd Edition: Evidence-informed Professional Practice, 2008 Teaching expertise – http://www.teachingexpertise.com/articles/making-transitions-easier-2994 UNICEF (2003)