In the article Designer Babies and the Pro-Choice Movement, the author Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow discusses her findings and research on the topic. According to her research over the last Century the link between sex and reproduction has diminished, sex today has no necessary relationship to childbearing. Now with a growing fertility industry any one with an extra 20,000 dollars can take baby- making from the bedroom to the laboratory In-
vitro fertilization does not merely help the infertile to procreate; increasingly, it allows parents to determine the genetic make up of their children. In vitro fertilization was originally used to help parents who were worried about targeted severe childhood illness, such as sickle cell and certain auto immune diseases.
Tuhus-Dubrow stated in 2006 parents became …show more content…
She says there is no easy answer some people react against the fact of changing genetics. Most religions believe it is like playing the role God and invokes fear with in them.
Others believe it is like a science experiment that could go terribly wrong and cause life long effect on the offspring.
The author also makes it clear there are many people for designer babies; they see the positives to the “mad science”. Many families will use this after having one child with a disease and they want to be sure their next child doesn’t suffer from the same thing. People who carry genes that may cause life threatening childhood illness should be able to have healthy children if science can assist them, said an anonymous scientist. Tuhus-
Dubrow says it is all about where they draw the line; it’s not something to be used just because you want a blonde hair, green eyed little