Business & Leadership
Nr. 2 - 2010, pp. 33-40 ISSN 2069-4814
DESIGNER LEAN PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND 5S Authors: Amalia Venera Todoru , Doru Cîrnu
Abstract: One of the challenges faced by businesses today is the combined pressure to reduce price and to provide an increased a variety of options at lower volumes. This paper will present what we call 5S method as part of the Lean philosophy. It will explain how to introduce this concept and how can it be adapted in our institutions. 5 S is a Japanese concept. It is a methodical approach for eliminating time and material waste. The reality is that a crowded and unorganized workplace is filled with waste: wasted time when looking for tools , wastes provoked by excessive ,material costs , space waste,etc. All these Japanese words that start with “S” : seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, shitsuke cam be translated in every language. The idea is that these concepts have penetrated the universal values circuit, even if they have roost – sometimes strong – in each nature. Keywords: 5S, sort, store, shine, standardize, sustain, lean management ,quality, performance
Jel clasification: L15, L16, L25, M10, M11, M16 1.Introduction Interesting is the analysis of the concept of lean production, a concept that depends on the industry domain, on the source or on thr initiation period in Lean organization and its true purpose in adopting the Lean methodology.
Amalia Venera Todoru , Ph.D, Professor, “Constantin Brâncu i” University of Tg-Jiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Târgu-Jiu, Romania, e-mail:; Doru Cîrnu, Ph.D, Professor, “Constantin Brâncu i” University of Tg-Jiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Târgu-Jiu, Romania, e-mail:
Amalia Venera Todoru , Doru Cîrnu
Lean production is "smooth" because they use less of everything compared to large series production - half the manufacturing space, half the investment
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