Background to the study The translation of consumption into welfare units is a function of various physiological characteristics such as age and sex of recipient, and environmental factors ( The possession of assets is a measure of the socio-economic status of the household. According to the 2002 Uganda Population and Housing census main report, majority (79%) of the households owned the houses they lived in especially in rural areas with 86% compared to urban areas (30%).
Poverty has got many definitions. Poverty refers to whether households have enough resources or capabilities to meet their needs. Poverty is usually based on a comparison of incomes, consumption, education and other attributes. Poverty is a deprivation of essential assets and opportunities, to which every person is entitled, hence can be viewed from a non-monetary perspective as well.
Poverty has shifted from a largely rural based to largely an urban based due to ruralurban migration between 1999/00 and 2000/2003. The percentage of the population living below the poverty line rose from 34 percent to 38 percent both in urban and rural areas. In rural areas, where it appears to have been no growth in consumption, the percentage of people in poverty rose from 37 percent to 42 percent and in urban areas, the corresponding increase was from 10 percent to 12 percent (2002/3 UNHS report, pg 50).
In the National Population policy of 1995, Uganda set nine goals; one of them is to have a society that is both informed and conscious of population and development issues. The programmes aimed at promoting awareness, increasing understanding and influencing behavior change among families and opinion leaders in areas such as need for basic education, nutrition, and HIV/AIDS prevention. Further still, there is need of acquisition of the necessary skills, access relevant information and services in order for households
to contribute meaningfully to their well being