Child Poverty in Texas
Child and Adolescent Psychology PSY260 A01
Professor: Bobby Van Divner
Student: Chantel Perez
February 11, 2015
Abstract: Poverty affects children’s developmental patterns, education, early years, and social patterns as they grow up. The children’s ability to grow and learn from their development has been documented as a distinctive role in emission from poverty in the United States. This also includes developing third world countries. It is a serious component in the children’s lives that needs to be reinforced by other workings of a poverty plan. Some examples would be enriched openings, organizations, and enablement of their families for positives. This paper evaluates …show more content…
Census Bureau expanded the American Community Survey sample to 3 million households. (United States Census Bureau, 2015) Then on January, 2006 the American Community Survey included group quarters in their information. They decided to provide annually updated social, economic, and housing data for states and communities. This was very helpful for the fact I did not want to show very old data pertaining to Texas. The data for the charts have customarily been collected once every ten years in the long form of the decennial census. (United States Census Bureau, 2015) The race and ethnic groups shown in the chart are not special. The category of white includes only non-Hispanic white. The categories Black or African American, American Indian, Asian and Pacific Islander, and Two or More Races include both Hispanic and non-Hispanic. I am not quite sure why they did this chart this way. Those in the Hispanic or Latino category include those identified as being in one of the non-White race …show more content…
The first is whether poverty should be defined in economic terms, or as part of a broader social disadvantage. The economic definition of poverty is typically based on income measures. The poverty line is calculated as the food expenditure necessary to meet dietary recommendations for children. It is then supplemented by a small allowance for nonfood goods according to the Census Bureau. Poor means lacking not only material assets and health. This also includes capabilities for social belonging, cultural identity, respect, dignity, information, and education. (United States Census Bureau, 2015) Now according to CDF they seem to have different statistics than the U.S. Census Bureau according to the research I did. More than 14.7 million children in America were poor in 2013, with more than two-thirds in working families. (Children 's Defense Fund, 2014) An unbalanced number are Black and Latino. When it comes to development many poor children often fall behind their peers in many ways going past