When Julilly was in the line where she would be taken from her mother she still had hope and determination that she would somehow be free. When she was picked she had the willpower to be back with her mother and to be free in Canada. Even in the book, it had shown us that in the moment she was taken away the look she gave to her mother was full of determination. ¨Julilly didn´t …show more content…
Even when she was working hard she was whipped. Every time she was whipped it gives her more willpower to be free. I know this because in the book it talks about her being whipped even when she was working hard. ¨His whip slashed down across her back.¨ (Smucker, 45). At this point in the book, Julilly was working hard in the hot sun and she was still whipped. While being whipped she had, even more, determination to be free in the country of Canada.
Even when being told that her friend had died after going to Canada she still wanted to go. Even after her friend died in Canada she still had the determination and willpower to go. It touches on this briefly when Julilly is told her friend had died. ¨´Adam lived in Canada only one day. We buried him under a tall pine tree.´¨ (Smucker, 148). She could have thought it was too hard and she would end up like her friend or that Canada was just as bad, but she was still determined to make it to