Support Paragraph #1 One of the main reasons why we do not have a responsibility to help is that our most important responsibility is to the people we know and love. This is because we regard a special relationship as very important. This idea is supported by Fraser (2007), who also believes her only responsibility is to herself, her families and her friends. She gives an example which is, if two children are drowning and one of two children is our son and the other is a stranger’s son, most of us would try to save our son because he is a special for us. If we save a stranger, we may not save our son. So, if we have responsibility to help poor strangers who live in undeveloped counties, we will not be able to help the people who we know and love. In sum, we should put the people who close to us before the strangers.
Support Paragraph #2 Another reason why we do not have a responsibility to help is that developed countries should not help poor people in undeveloped countries without thought. This is because our