Webinar V
Go-‐To-‐Market Strategy
§ Overall strategy is the mechanism by which a firm proposes to deliver its unique value proposi7on to its target markets. § The set of integrated tac7cs a company uses to connect with its customers § Organiza7onal processes it has developed (e.g., price, distribu<on) to consummate customer interac<ons with the firm. § Objec7ve is to enter chosen target market with a minimum viable product (MVP) that achieves adop7on and sales trac7on.
Go-‐To-‐Market Ques7ons
WHO will you ac<vely target within the market?
WHAT will be your product or service porColio for target customers?
HOW much will you charge for your products to different customers?
HOW will you promote your products to target customers?
WHERE will you promote and sell your products to target customers?
What Should be included in your Go-‐To-‐Market Strategy?
Marke<ng Strategy Overview
Target Customers (reflec<ng effec<ve market segmenta<on)
The Minimum Viable Product (MVP), its features and value proposi<on.
The Whole Product Solu<on
Place-‐ Distribu<on Methods ◦
Ordering Sales Channels Packaging
Promo<on – Sales and Marke<ng Plan
◦ Expected market share ◦ Adver<sing consistent to where you are on the Awareness > Adop<on funnel. ◦ Different