[Name of person referring] suggested that I contact you regarding the open [job title] position with [Company Name]. My educational background in [field of study], along with my professional experience, makes me an excellent candidate for this position.
As you will see from the enclosed resume, I have more than [number] years of experience in the field of [area of professional expertise]. My resume shows that I have been consistently rewarded for hard work with promotions and increased responsibilities. These rewards are a direct result of my expertise in [area of professional expertise], my commitment to personal and professional excellence, and my excellent written and oral communication skills.
Rent $1000 Food
Car/truck Payment $130 Electricity
Vehicle Insurance _____$30___ Water and Sewer Heating
Tenant Insurance $25 Telephone Cable
Student Loan Payment (Amount of loan?_$30,000_____) $350
Other ( ) Other(Cellphone) 70$
Total $1535 Total Entertainment Transportation (To work - car? or public transit?)
Movies/Theatre 15$ Gas/Oil
Sporting Events $0 (don’t watch sports) Vehicle Repairs
Concerts $0 (don’t go to concerts) Parking
Recreation $20 Bus/Taxi
Dining Out $100 Total
Other 0$ (don’t have time for anything else)
Total $135 Fees/Taxes Personal Spending
Property Tax 0$ (renting a home) Clothing
Vehicle Registration $85 Credit Card Payment
Charitable Donations $75