In America, the fact that fast food restaurants are located at every corner many people becomes obesity leading to huge risk factors. The various issues of unhealthy living lead to multiple life threatening diseases, such as diabetes. When people hear the news that they have been diagnosed with diabetes, it makes them feel frightened. In 2011, statistics show that in United States 25.8 million of children and adults have diabetes (Becker, Gretchen, (2001)). American Indians and Alaska natives have a higher percentage of adults with diabetes than other ethnicities (American Diabetes Association, (2011)). Diabetes is a serious life-long illness caused by high level of glucose in the blood. This condition is when the body cannot produce insulin that is located in the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that moderates the blood level. Diabetes affects the process of how the body uses blood sugar (American Diabetes Association, (2011)). Glucose is significant since it is “the main source of fuel” (American Diabetes Association, (2011)). There is no cure for diabetes but there are ways to lower the risks. Although diabetes is a disorder, it can also lead to other factors such as heart attack, kidney failure, or death. A person with diabetes has to maintain a healthy lifestyle including eating the right food, exercising, controlling their blood sugar level, and be optimistic. Diabetes occurs in several forms but the major ones are Type I and II diabetes and gestational diabetes.
Type I diabetes is also known as “Juvenile Diabetes” because it typically occurs in children and young adults. The symptoms for Type I diabetes are frequent urination, extreme thirst and hunger, unusual weight loss, and exhaustion. Young adolescents are able to continue a fit lifestyle with the treatment of insulin therapy. Metzger (2012) explained how insulin is injected under the skin instead of through the mouth because digestive enzymes will destroy insulin. Diabetes is
References: Website American Diabetes Association Book American Diabetes Association, (2011) complete guide to Diabetes Fifth edition Book Becker, Gretchen, (2001) The First Year Type 2 Diabetes Book Rosenthal, M. Sara, (2001) 50 Ways to manage Type 2 Diabetes