Some of those being: chest pain, sweating, feeling shaky and numb, dizzy along with many other physical symptoms. As mentioned above, when these individuals enter a stressful or uncomfortable situation they may experience a panic attack, which further enhances their fear of being in that situation. When any of these symptoms begin to interfere with daily life, it is time to get professional help. Agoraphobia is easier to treat in the earlier stages rather than later, so getting help earlier can help prevent the symptoms from worsening.
“The exact cause of agoraphobia has yet to be discovered; however, there are many factors that are known to increase your risk of getting this disorder. Including: depression, other phobias, another type of anxiety disorder, a history of physical or sexual abuse, a substance abuse problem, and family history of agoraphobia.” (Boskey, Cherney & Kivi, 2016, p.3) Agoraphobia is more common in women than men, with young adulthood being the typical onset. Treatment for agoraphobia is best successful when using the combination of medication and cognitive behavior therapy. The combination of these two treatments together have …show more content…
With help they are almost guaranteed to have the symptoms relieved and improve the quality of life. However, if they do not seek any help it can be a very debilitating disorder. Either way the individual approaches or does not approach treatment, they are still able to live alone they just live it in a very lonely manner due to not leaving the