1: To bring trouble, distress, or agitation.
2: to bring physical distress to.
3: To irritate or annoy by petty provocations.
“I fret about nothing on earth except papa’s illness,’ answered my companion. ‘I care for nothing in comparison with papa. And I’ll never—never—oh, never, while I have my senses, do an act or say a word to vex him. I love him better than myself, Ellen; and I know it by this: I pray every night that I may live after him; because I would rather be miserable than that he should be: that proves I love him better than myself.” (Brontë 200)
Around this quote there are several very important events that are taking place. To start Edgar has become very ill and the possibility of his death is very high and near.
Cathy asks to be accompanied to the moors by Nelly in order to clear her mind of what happened in the previous chapter with t Linton and the love letters. Here Cathy says that she loves her dad and she would never do anything to vex him. She also mentions that she prefers to be miserable rather than he be. While they are on the walk Heathcliff approaches Cathy and gets mad at her for not sending any more letter to Linton. After Heathcliff threatens to show her father they all go their own ways. In the next chapter Cathy visits again and it only ends in a huge fight between Cathy and Linton.
The first symbol that we are presented to in the Ghost that grabs a hold of Lockwood when he was forced to spend the night in