This contradiction can boil down to “the sticking point”. Makau and Marty explain that “the sticking point” refers to the point in a disagreement where all involved parties refuse to compromise. The competition derived from argument culture sets independence and interdependence against each other, forcing people to choose between them. For example, in American politics interdependence is seen as weak and unpatriotic, while individualism is portrayed as power and freedom. This example leads to another contradiction because the foundation of America stressed for the liberty of all, not the liberty of one. The individualistic worldview of the argument culture pulls us away from social responsibility and governance for the common good, it is important for us to understand that our beliefs an forms of communication have
This contradiction can boil down to “the sticking point”. Makau and Marty explain that “the sticking point” refers to the point in a disagreement where all involved parties refuse to compromise. The competition derived from argument culture sets independence and interdependence against each other, forcing people to choose between them. For example, in American politics interdependence is seen as weak and unpatriotic, while individualism is portrayed as power and freedom. This example leads to another contradiction because the foundation of America stressed for the liberty of all, not the liberty of one. The individualistic worldview of the argument culture pulls us away from social responsibility and governance for the common good, it is important for us to understand that our beliefs an forms of communication have