
Did Lee Harvey Oswald's Rough Childhood Lead To His Death?

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Did Lee Harvey Oswald's Rough Childhood Lead To His Death?
How did Lee Harvey Oswald’s rough childhood lead to his death?

On November 22, 1962 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy was Assassinated while traveling through Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was shot in the neck by a young 24 year old U.S. Marine named Lee Harvey Oswald. Minutes after the assassination Lee was arrested and later on shot to death by Dallas nightclub operator Jack Ruby. Nobody for sure knows what lead up to the assassination, but it is believed that it is because of the mental issues that he was suffering from. Lee‘s mental instability started right at the beginning of his childhood. Lee’s biological father died only 2 days before lee was born, leaving him with his mother and his 2 older brothers. Because Lee’s mother had
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Factors like these and more made Lee insecure, antisocial, deeply rooted. It is believed that in the early 1963 Lee tried to assassinate one of the American Major with the same rifle as the one that he used to assassinate Kennedy, but this time he was unsuccessful. Lee Harvey Oswald admired Kennedy and respected him like all other Americans did. But when Kennedy was making conflicts with Cuba during Cuban missile crisis, Lee’s insane mind turned against Kennedy’s thoughts and opinions because he was really passionate with pro-Castro movement he then thought that if he killed someone famous who is against their beliefs it will make him a hero which is believed to be the motivation for plotting the assassination.
After Lee Harvey Oswald successfully assassinated John F. Kennedy he then tried hiding in in the Texas Theatre after he has been seen ‘’ducking into’’ the entrance of a store buy a shoe store manager who then alerted the ticket clerk who called the police and about 2 hours later lee was arrested and which later led to him getting shot in the abdomen and dying in the

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