Henrich Schliemann made up fake experiences about when he traveled to San Francisco. But he had never traveled to San Francisco. Schliemann loved knowledge especially Greek knowledge also he loved money and attention just the same. For instance, Schliemann and Frank Calvert where digging for the lost land of troy. Calvert was an explorer who was self-taught modest and kept his discoveries to …show more content…
Schliemann was a control freak. He said to Calvart that had no credit for finding the artifacts of troy. Schliemann had damage the site from his carelessness of where he was digging. Schliemann had dug trenches in the earth's dirt which really damaged the earth if Calvert had taken over Calvert would have found the ancient treasures of troy.
Schliemann cared about money and wealth this was one of the big reasons for him being greedy. Schliemann was running on money and discoveries. Therefore, he had taken all of the credit for discovering all of the artifacts he had found. Schliemann agreed to fund and share his work with Calvert. Schliemann took all the credit.
Although, there are bad adventurers there are some good ones like Percy Spencer born in Howland Maine in 1894. This discoverer had come up with the microwave. This invention came from an idea that he had when a chocolate bar melted in his paints. Spencer furthered this idea by what if i get kernels and put them in the microwave. This was the man who made microwave popcorn. Spencer also came up with the idea of shrinking the radio. This helped American household’s share communication. Spencer worked for a company by the name of Raytheon which invented magnetic devices which are used on motor vehicles and rockets outer