Donatelle, R (2008). Access to Health. San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc.
References: Donatelle, R (2008). Access to Health. San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc.
How many grams of fat do you consume on an average day? 2. How many calories does this represent? 3. What percentage of your total energy is contributed by fat?…
Protein deficiency has many symptoms including fatigue, loss of energy, loss of muscle, extended healing, and hair loss. Other symptoms include unstable blood sugar levels, muscle or joint pain, headaches, and nausea. Severe protein deficiency can even lead to weakened immune system and even death. Overconsumption of protein has negative effects as well. Overconsumption symptoms include weight gain, dehydration, heart disease, liver disease, and kidney problems. It can also lead to cancer, irritation in internal organs, and nutritional deficiencies.…
Meat, fish, poultry and alternatives- Proteins should be eaten every twice a day. They are used in the body to build and repair tissues. Also protein helps to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Protein is also found in all body fluids. You need proteins in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones.…
Using the computer generated report titled “Intake Spreadsheet” review Days 1, 2 AND 3, find the three foods (3 different foods) that provided you with the greatest amount of CARBOHYDRATE in your diet over the three days you recorded. Highlight these foods on your spreadsheet (using a highlighter) and write those foods in the spaces below. 2 pts…
The recommended amount is 14.25 and my actual is 12.50, so I am only off by 1.75g of fiber. I am at 88% of the DRI.…
Throughout the course of the last nine weeks, my eyes have been opened to an entirely new world full of nutritional and exercising information. It is rough being a thirty-three year old husband and father, with an eye on trying to remain on this planet for as long as humanly possible. As parents, we all have goals we want to achieve. The usual suspects include seeing your children graduate high school and then college, walking your daughter down the aisle of her wedding, and being able to retire and continue to live a healthy and happy life. What I have come to realize through this nutritional and exercising information is that in order to accomplish this goal, there are certain aspects of my life that I need to change. I am not a particularly healthy eater. I do not exercise regularly. I mostly do what I can with the time I have available. I suspect this problem plagues many men across this country and around the world. In my state, the obesity rate is close to 30% and it continues to trend upward (Centers for Disease Control, 2011). Without a drastic change in lifestyle, I am simply adding to the statistics. The knowledge I have gained in this course has led me to believe that this is simply unacceptable. Something has to change, and I have a plan to make that happen.…
Cardio Now: The standard for my age is 8 minutes. My score is now, 15:00 minutes…
Like I said I don’t eat enough protein and fiber, to improve this I have to eat fewer carbohydrates and calories like junk foods and more meats and dairy. Also eating more grains, fruits and vegetables which have high fiber. Protein is important because it gives you energy and helps your muscles grow. Fiber helps you digest food better and keep low blood cholesterol.…
Protein accounts for more than 50% of dry human body weight (Angheli). Therefore, protein is a vital part of our diet. On the day I kept a food journal, I consumed over four times the daily recommendation. The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) recommended I consume 46 grams in a day; however, I consumed 185 grams of protein.…
You do not have my permission to plagiarize this paper, but you may use it to help you in your own research :) Good luck!…
In order to improve my current diet, I need to reduce my caloric intake to the 1500-calorie diet recommended on USDA’s SuperTracker. The most efficient way to do this is to eat healthier meals at home rather than unhealthy, easy to procure fast food. In addition, I exceed my sodium intake with 2,016 mg on average, 516 mg over the recommended amount. Due to harmful effects of high sodium intakes on blood pressure, a prominent risk factor for cardiovascular and kidney diseases, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine established the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for Sodium at 2,300 mg. This indicates that I must lower my sodium intake as a precautionary measure (Higdon, Sodium (Chloride), 2001). Again, as mentioned above, the most proficient way to do this is by eliminating fast food out of my diet along with analyzing nutrition labels for high sodium content.…
Unfortunately, after completing my diet analysis, I found out that my daily caloric intake is 1,5 times higher than it is recommended. According to the USDA website my caloric intake should be 1880 per day, by in reality it is 2972 (about 3000 per day). Now I understand why I started to gain weight, even though I don’t eat much or often.…
Although I researched several diets that are out there I wanted to write about the diet that I have been currently been on for the last 6 ½ years. Even though the name is called “The Abs Diet,” in my opinion this is really not a diet but adopting a new way of eating that makes sense. I am a big believer in this “diet” and since being on it I have been in the best shape of my life and also have more energy. This diet became famous by the editors of Women’s Health Magazine. This is also where I first heard of it and then picked up the book that is based on this diet. The premise of this diet is to not only get a flat stomach but also gain muscle and lose fat by never feeling deprived of foods. The first part of the book explains the “power foods” that you should eat and explains the benefits of each one. The second part is devoted to all sorts of recipes in order to consume the “power foods” and stay full. The last part focuses on exercise, some cardio, but mostly strength training. Like any fad diet, they promise something that may or may not be realistic. The claim is that the first 2 weeks you will be able to lose up to 12 pound of stomach fat. I am not sure if this is the case with everyone but I definitely saw a huge difference and have had visible abs in the last 6.5 years that I have been following their eating plan. The basics in the eating plan for this diet is that it is important to incorporate the 12 “power foods” everyday. The 12 foods are: almonds and nuts, spinach and green vegetables, beans and legumes, dairy that is low in fat, unsweetened oatmeal, natural or organic peanut butter, Lean meats like turkey, eggs, whole-grains, whey powder, olive oil, and raspberries and other berries. It says to also eat 6 times a day with 3 solid meals and 3 healthy snacks in between. The amount of calories you are consuming is not a huge focus on this diet but recommends around 1500 calories a day. The foods and meal chosen in this diet are emphasized as high…
In the United States today, obesity has become an enormous problem. In the last 3decades, the number of people overweight has increased dramatically. A study done by theCenters of Disease Control showed that since 1980, one third of our adult population has becomeoverweight. America is the richest but also the fattest nation in the world, and our obese backsides are the butt of jokes in every other country (Klein 28). The 1980s were a time whenAmericans suddenly started going crazy over dieting, jumping onto the treadmills, and buying prepackaged non-fat foods. However, while all of that was going on, the number of obeseAmericans began to increase. According to a report in the Journal of the American MedicalAssociation, 58 million people in our country weigh over 20 percent of their body’s ideal weight.The article “Fat Times” states, “If this were about tuberculosis, it would be called an epidemic”(Elmer-Dewit 58). The eating habits of society have steadily become more harmful and havestarted to produce gluttonous children, over-indulgent adults, and a food industry set too muchon satisfying our appetites.Obesity can begin at a very young age. Many children in our society are overweight,setting themselves up for serious health problems later in life. Type 2 diabetes, high bloodcholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart problems are just some of the risks. Children who areoverweight also tend to feel less secure, less happy, and be stressed more than normal weight…
The diets that I would recommend to a friend to help achieve a safe, healthy, effective and sustainable weight loss would be the Dash Diet, the TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle change) Diet, and the Mayo Clinic Diet. I would consider these three diets to be among the best that were discussed on the websites. The Dash diet uses a healthier eating pattern as their key to weight loss. The Dash diet keeps salt, fats and sugar out of the diet plan, while allowing flexibility with meat, grains, vegetables and fruits, and suggests using seasonings and spices to replace the salt and sugar intake. The US News states that it is the most nutritionally complete diet plan. The TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle change) Diet is a very heart healthy diet, that is endorsed by the American Heart Association.…