Growing up I was introduced to many different denomination of Christianity. The Baptist and Catholic church are the two that sticks out to me the most because of how they differ from each other. In the last four years I have experienced what it is like to attend a Baptist and Catholic church. My Christian denomination is Baptist but because I attended a Catholic high school, I gained a lot of knowledge about Catholicism. Theses two denominations differs in many ways, but the script of their services and the language used during the services is what catches my attention. It's not only the verbal language but also the body language that makes the flow of the services completely different than each …show more content…
What makes them differ from each other is that Catholics have more stern or strict script while Baptist has more of a relaxed laid back script. A Catholic service begins with the congregation standing as the priest walks in and makes his way to the alter. During this time the choir is singing the welcoming song. The whole church sings together, including the priest. Once the song is over the priest begins his welcome with, "The Lord be with you," and as a response the members of the congregation says, "And with your spirit". This is completely different from how the Baptist church starts their worship service. Their service starts with someone from the alter, either a deacon or a minister, singing an up beat gospel song. Some members of the congregation might stand and clap their hands along while other might stay seated and simply nod their heads to the beat. Once the song is over the person leading the song will welcome everyone to the service. I would also say that the Baptist service is more playful than Catholic services. During service in a Baptist church the speaker might say a joke or a short story to make the members become more engaged or to get a few laughs out of them. Because Catholics have that strict script, it is rare that joke telling would occur. During their services, when the priest says certain things the congregation is expected to respond in unison. With the way these two churches start …show more content…
For example, members of the Baptist church worship in a more verbal and uncontrolled way than Catholic would be. Based on what the speaker is saying and the spirit of a member they might start to catch the holy spirit. What that mean is that they feel the spirit of Christ within them and start to react to it. They might stand up and start waving their hands and stomping their feet. Some might even start to talk in tongues. While that member is having that moment, the rest of the church carries on. The rest of the members doesn't see it as a distraction because that is a form of worship. If this were to happen during a Catholic service it would be consider very rude and disrespectful. That is because they worship in a very private and controlled way. The most they would do is wave their hands to show that they are worshiping. The Catholic church also believes that you can't have a direct relationship with the Lord, so they do not believe in catching the holy spirit. They also don’t believe in the laying on of hands. Laying on of hands is a symbolic act that sets individuals apart and signifies the imparting of spiritual blessings, authority, and/or power (, n.d.). This normally occurs during prayer between a member and a pastor. The laying on of hands is vey popular thing in the Baptist church because it is a way to build a healthier and